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Rite Aid Urinary Tract Relief

Sunday, February 28, 2010 at 10:28 AM
There is nothing more uncomfortable than finding yourself down with a urinary tract infection (or UTI). These can be incredibly painful with symptoms ranging from an uncomfortable urgency to urinate, to a burning sensation, abdominal cramps and even blood in the urine, which be disconcerting to say the least. Needless to say, I usually experience these symptoms in excess before I decide I need to pay the $25 for my insurance co-pay to see the doctor. However, it’s also one of those conditions you almost always know for certain what it is. Once you’ve experienced it, that level of discomfort will forever be engrained in your memory… trust me on this. So, I recently experienced a very painful UTI that came out of nowhere. Usually I have a few days warning with some urgency symptoms before the real pain sets in, but not this time. I went straight to the doctor and he prescribed me Bactrim. After a completed round on this medication, he noticed I was still showing signs in my
urine tests of the UTI, but wanted to run some cultures before prescribing me anything else. Since the cultures take a good five days to come in, I was basically dealing with the discomfort of a UTI for all five of those days. Towards the third day, I decided enough was enough, and I would head to the pharmacy and get myself something that would work, at least until I heard back from the doctor.

Since Rite Aid is just down the street, I headed there first. There is a name brand UTI relief medication that was a little pricey, so I decided to go for the Rite Aid Urinary Tract Relief pills that only cost about $8 for the box, with enough pills to last a week. You are only supposed to use the pills (two every four-six hours) for a maximum of two days before seeing a doctor, if pain consists, but since I knew I would be hearing back from the doctor soon, I knew there was nothing to worry about. Two days of discomfort was something I definitely couldn’t afford to deal with. So, I began taking the medication with a full glass of water, and kept drinking water throughout the day (per the directions on the box), and really began sensing relief after just 30 minutes, which was like a breath of fresh (and painfree) air. I took the medication for the allotted two days, and felt a great deal of relief. Though it didn’t get rid of the symptoms entirely, it worked almost better than the
prescription strength stuff my doctor had previously prescribed me to treat UTI symptoms.

If you ever find yourself in the same boat, I definitely suggest saving yourself the headache and buying this medication and trying it out for two days. Be sure to research holistic approaches and dietary recommendations to treat and prevent UTI’s while taking this… after all, this only treats the symptoms, not the infection. And if the symptoms recur after you stop taking this after your two day time period, then definitely go to a doctor as soon as possible, as UTI’s can lead to more complications and more serious problems. But, as a temporary solution, this is highly recommended.


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