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Triaminic Expectorant

Wednesday, March 3, 2010 at 5:11 AM
To say that Triaminic Expectorant cough formula works well is an understatement. I recently had a bad cough from a cold. For the first few days, the cough wasn’t that bad. It was simply a dry cough that didn’t interfere too much with my day to day living. After a few days, though, my chest started to feel tight. That night, before I went to bed I put the vaporizer on, hoping that the hot steam would break up the congestion I was having in my chest. I slept pretty good with the vaporizer, but when I woke up the next morning, my chest and lungs were so congested, it was hard to catch my breath. When I coughed, nothing would come up so I couldn’t clear my lungs. I tried taking a cough medicine that I had in the house, but it did absolutely nothing to break up the chest congestion. Upon further investigation, I realized that what I took was a cough suppressant, meaning that it suppresses the cough or quiets it, but it does nothing to break up congestion or help thin out
and bring up mucus the way that an expectorant does. So off to Walgreens I went in search of a cough medicine that would work on this horrendous congestion. I knew that if whatever I bought didn’t work, I would have to go to the doctor, because I could not go on any longer with this cough.

As I was looking through the maze of cough and cold medications, I cam across Triaminic Expectorant. I was looking for something to clear out my mucus and I hoped this would work. I asked the pharmacist about it and he told me that an expectorant should do the trick to loosen and bring up the mucus. I couldn’t wait to get home to take the cough medication so I could get some relief. I took the yellow cough medicine as directed and then I waited to see what happened. It didn’t particularly taste that great, but I didn’t care. I just wanted it to work. After an hour or so, when I coughed, I noticed that the mucus was starting to get thinner and easier to bring up. I took two doses of Triaminic that day and noticed that it started getting easier and easier to cough. By the second day, my chest congestion was almost 100% better. My chest didn’t feel congested and I could breath much better. I didn’t have that terrible not being able to catch my breath feeling anymore. That is
very frightening. This product worked extremely well for me and I highly recommend it. As always, I recommend that you talk to your doctor or health care provider before taking Triaminic or any other medication to make sure it is right for you.


  1. Unknown Says:

    right now I'm stick the one brand that feel good to me. not want to look for anything else

  2. vijubha Says:

    It is a good solution of medicine for cough problems.i am regularly using this product for my cough is good one to use.

  3. Unknown Says:

    really Triaminic Expectorant is work wonders for cough related problems..i recommend to everyone

  4. harish Says:

    triaminic expectorant is a new kind of treatment which i have not heard of,this article helps me to know more

  5. Black Eagle Says:

    From what i`ve heard triaminic expectorant is very good.i didn`t try it yet.

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