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Robitussin Cough and Chest Congestion

Wednesday, March 3, 2010 at 5:10 AM
Robitussin Cough and Chest Congestion helped me with chest congestion that I had with a bad cold. The active ingredient in Robitussin Cough and Chest Congestion is Guaifenesin which is an expectorant. An expectorant is a medication that loosens up and thins mucous, making it easier for it to come up. My chest congestion was so bad, that it felt like my chest was on fire every time I coughed. I thought I might have pneumonia
. Also, at night it seemed like I couldn’t stop coughing. This really scared me because I had a hard time catching my breath. I tried using the vaporizer and I got in the hot shower, but the chest congestion persisted until I took the recommended dosage of 2 teaspoons of the cherry flavored Robitussin. It was as I remembered it as a child. Spicy cherry.

After about an hour my chest congestion began to break. This was the first relief that I had in days. The mucous was extremely easy to bring up. I won’t even say that I had to cough to bring up the mucous. It seemed like if I just cleared my throat, it would come up. Robitussin Cough and Chest Congestion, helped relieve my chest congestion and stop my nighttime coughing.

As a registered nurse who works with an elderly population, I find that Robitussin Cough and Chest Congestion is commonly prescribed by the physicians for patients who complain of cough due to cold, flu or allergies. Robitussin Cough and Chest Congestion seems very well tolerated in the elderly population, as it was by me. I had no adverse reactions or side effects from this medication. Sometimes certain cough and cold preparations give me an upset stomach, but I had no ill effects from the Robitussin.

Robitussin has been a staple in our house ever since I was a kid. The taste or texture of it hasn’t changed much at all. It’s tastes exactly how I remembered it 25 years ago. Every one in my family at one time or another had taken Robitussin when I was a child.

In addition to the expectorant that it contains as one of it’s active ingredients, it also contains a cough suppressant. It was by the cough suppressant component of the Robitussin that I stopped coughing at night. I don’t know what was worse - having the chest congestion or having the hacking cough at night. Having them both was a double whammy that Robitussin Cough and Chest Congestion thankfully relieved.

My mother recently purchased this product for herself when she had a cough due to a cold. Her doctor recommended that she take it. The Robitussin helped her stop coughing too. This was especially important to her because in addition to her cough, she has osteoporosis that causes her to get back pain whenever she coughs.

I highly recommend Robitussin Cough and Chest Congestion for anyone who has a cough due to cold, flu or allergies. As always, make sure you check with your doctor or healthcare provider before taking this or any medication.


  1. Unknown Says:

    this medication is used to reduce the effect of chest Congestion,when ever i coughed hard i have some breath i gone for this one

  2. williard Says:

    Robitussin is a very famous cough product in our country, especially since it is heavily advertised in our TV networks. I used it a couple of times in the past, and all of them yielded positive results.

  3. harish Says:

    robitussin cough is a new kind of disease which many are not aware of,this can educate many people

  4. Black Eagle Says:

    you have here pretious informations for a man who doesn`t know muth about medicine.

  5. Taking a bottle robitussin will surely get rid of our congested chest.

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