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Mucinex Expectorant

Wednesday, March 3, 2010 at 5:12 AM
Mucinex is an over-the-counter expectorant used to get the gooey mucus out of your lungs. While it costs more than your average cold medicine (about $9 at Wal-Mart) it is well worth the price. It does an excellent job of clearing mucus from the lungs as well as thinning mucus in general through out the body. This is also an excellent alternative for those who may have heart difficulties and should not be taking pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) as it does not affect the heart. The one drawback of this medication is an inconvenient side effect that rapidly disappears once you stop taking it. I have come to call this medicine the “stinky pee pee pill” as it definitely changes the odor of urine. If you smell the bottle once you open it you can expect your urine to smell a strong version of that. THE BOTTOM LINE: It works and a bit of a smell is worth the benefits.


  1. Unknown Says:

    You are right: when you can't breathe the way you want there is no chance of getting the flu out of your system.

  2. Unknown Says:

    i prefer an expectorant rather that "annoying pill's", and if i should go to the doctor, i always ask an expectorant....

  3. vijubha Says:

    Mucinex expectorant is a good medicine for wont affect the its a good suggestion to take medicine at the time of cold.

  4. Unknown Says:

    really it is the medicine for cold,can i rely on this when ever i needed..i will recommend to everyone

  5. williard Says:

    I haven't heard of this brand yet, and I'm not yet so keen on using a medicine with known side-effects, though this might be very useful for those sick with cystic fibrosis.

  6. harish Says:

    wonderful article and informative one to explain to people how its important and how it can guide them properly

  7. Black Eagle Says:

    You should try it!this is a very good medicine.

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