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BIC Brite Liner Highlighters

Saturday, February 27, 2010 at 4:28 AM
I really use highlighters quite a bit for all of my notes and texts. Finding a good highlighter to use sounds easy, but most of them run out of ink way before I need them to. I have been usuing the same BIC Brite Liners for almost a year now. They come in a 5 pack of colours. Almost every day I use them and they still have ink! They do not make the page moist where I highlight it, so it is not wasting ink. The colours are bright, but still easy on the eyes. The tips are cut at an angle so you can highlight them while holding them like you normally would a pen and you get a clean, fully covered highlight of normal sized text in one pass. Each pen even has it’s own clip so you can carry it around. Sometimes if I am colour coding I only need to work with one colour at a time and need to carry only one of them with me, so the clip works wonders so I don’t lose it. I recommend these to everyone because these are perfect for kids going to school, college students, or general
use around the house.

1 Responses to BIC Brite Liner Highlighters

  1. harish Says:

    the highlights of this article can educate and make many people to be aware and cautious while they go out for treatment

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