Mucinex Expectorant
Triaminic Expectorant
and bring up mucus the way that an expectorant does. So off to Walgreens I went in search of a cough medicine that would work on this horrendous congestion. I knew that if whatever I bought didn’t work, I would have to go to the doctor, because I could not go on any longer with this cough.
As I was looking through the maze of cough and cold medications, I cam across Triaminic Expectorant. I was looking for something to clear out my mucus and I hoped this would work. I asked the pharmacist about it and he told me that an expectorant should do the trick to loosen and bring up the mucus. I couldn’t wait to get home to take the cough medication so I could get some relief. I took the yellow cough medicine as directed and then I waited to see what happened. It didn’t particularly taste that great, but I didn’t care. I just wanted it to work. After an hour or so, when I coughed, I noticed that the mucus was starting to get thinner and easier to bring up. I took two doses of Triaminic that day and noticed that it started getting easier and easier to cough. By the second day, my chest congestion was almost 100% better. My chest didn’t feel congested and I could breath much better. I didn’t have that terrible not being able to catch my breath feeling anymore. That is
very frightening. This product worked extremely well for me and I highly recommend it. As always, I recommend that you talk to your doctor or health care provider before taking Triaminic or any other medication to make sure it is right for you.
Robitussin Cough and Chest Congestion
. Also, at night it seemed like I couldn’t stop coughing. This really scared me because I had a hard time catching my breath. I tried using the vaporizer and I got in the hot shower, but the chest congestion persisted until I took the recommended dosage of 2 teaspoons of the cherry flavored Robitussin. It was as I remembered it as a child. Spicy cherry.
After about an hour my chest congestion began to break. This was the first relief that I had in days. The mucous was extremely easy to bring up. I won’t even say that I had to cough to bring up the mucous. It seemed like if I just cleared my throat, it would come up. Robitussin Cough and Chest Congestion, helped relieve my chest congestion and stop my nighttime coughing.
As a registered nurse who works with an elderly population, I find that Robitussin Cough and Chest Congestion is commonly prescribed by the physicians for patients who complain of cough due to cold, flu or allergies. Robitussin Cough and Chest Congestion seems very well tolerated in the elderly population, as it was by me. I had no adverse reactions or side effects from this medication. Sometimes certain cough and cold preparations give me an upset stomach, but I had no ill effects from the Robitussin.
Robitussin has been a staple in our house ever since I was a kid. The taste or texture of it hasn’t changed much at all. It’s tastes exactly how I remembered it 25 years ago. Every one in my family at one time or another had taken Robitussin when I was a child.
In addition to the expectorant that it contains as one of it’s active ingredients, it also contains a cough suppressant. It was by the cough suppressant component of the Robitussin that I stopped coughing at night. I don’t know what was worse - having the chest congestion or having the hacking cough at night. Having them both was a double whammy that Robitussin Cough and Chest Congestion thankfully relieved.
My mother recently purchased this product for herself when she had a cough due to a cold. Her doctor recommended that she take it. The Robitussin helped her stop coughing too. This was especially important to her because in addition to her cough, she has osteoporosis that causes her to get back pain whenever she coughs.
I highly recommend Robitussin Cough and Chest Congestion for anyone who has a cough due to cold, flu or allergies. As always, make sure you check with your doctor or healthcare provider before taking this or any medication.
This bottle of Robitussin DM enables you to breath comfortably by suppressing the mucus but at the same time it when you cough it allows you to pull just a little mucus out so not to gag or choke.
The bottle is ok for children over two years old, just check with your pediatrician if you’re not sure. My son is four years old and I gave it to him because he couldn’t get any sleep
for coughing. This is where the suppressant comes in handy. Then when he does wake to cough it’s just a small amount instead of some thirty minute coughing and choking along with vomit episode filled with mucus.
I am completely satisfied with this product for a couple of different reasons. Reason number one is because it is so cost efficient. The second reason is the label is so informative, which if you have read any of my other reviews would know that having a good label is very important to me. The third reason is for the actually syrup, not bad tasting and works very well.
I give this product two thumbs up with a rating of ten. If you would like additionally information about this product or company you can visit them on the web at
Robitussin Long-Acting Cough Suppressant Cough Gels
The first thing that I liked about the Robitussin Long-Acting Cough Suppressant Cough Gels was the pricing. They were not priced sky high like some of the other cold products on the market. I was able to get a bottle of 20 cough gels for around 8 bucks.
I trust the name Robitussin. I have used numerous other Robitussin products and felt more confident buying something for my cough with this name brand.
The Robitussin Long-Acting Cough Suppressant Cough Gels were easy to swallow. The medicine is all inside of a soft red gel capsule. The good thing was the capsule was not so big that I felt like I was going to choke when I took them with water. I am not one for huge pills, particularly when my throat is already sore from all of that coughing.
The main ingredient listed on the bottle is Dextromethorphan Hbr. This is an actual cough suppressant. It is so strong that you do not have to take the Robitussin Long-Acting Cough Suppressant Cough Gels more than once or twice a day. They recommend that you take it around every 8 hours. I found that it would work for about 10 hours for me the first couple of days. Then after that it seemed to work longer as my cold got better. I guess it really depends on how much you end up coughing while you are sick on how well it will work for you and last for you.
I cannot stand the taste of most cough syrups. With the Robitussin Long-Acting Cough Suppressant Cough Gels, I do not have to worry about that. None of the flavor of the cough suppressant was noticeable when I swallowed the gel pills. I think you should only take them with cold water or a cold drink. I did it one time with some decaffeinated coffee and the gels seemed to dissolve a little in my mouth. This is good in a way because you know they are dissolving quickly to get into your system and start working. I notice that I start to feel relief from my cough in about 15 minutes after taking the Robitussin Long-Acting Cough Suppressant Cough Gels.
Inoflox Ofloxacin 200mg tablet
Because of this I went to the hospital where I was working and had my urine examined in the laboratory. And when they handed me the result, I was able to confirm that I really have urinary tract infection.
And so, looking through the stock of sample medications the medical representatives gave me, I was able to spot Inoflox Ofloxacin 200mg tablet which is very good for cases of urinary tract infection. I took one tablet twice a day for seven days and I was really able to see some improvement even after the first twenty-four hours of regular intake of this medication. I have noted that my fever has already subsided and I was no longer having chills. After two days, nausea and vomiting episodes were completely gone.
Thus I highly recommend this medication to people experiencing symptoms of urinary tract infection. But be sure to ask your physician first before taking anything because your doctor still knows what is best for you.
Rite Aid Urinary Tract Relief
urine tests of the UTI, but wanted to run some cultures before prescribing me anything else. Since the cultures take a good five days to come in, I was basically dealing with the discomfort of a UTI for all five of those days. Towards the third day, I decided enough was enough, and I would head to the pharmacy and get myself something that would work, at least until I heard back from the doctor.
Since Rite Aid is just down the street, I headed there first. There is a name brand UTI relief medication that was a little pricey, so I decided to go for the Rite Aid Urinary Tract Relief pills that only cost about $8 for the box, with enough pills to last a week. You are only supposed to use the pills (two every four-six hours) for a maximum of two days before seeing a doctor, if pain consists, but since I knew I would be hearing back from the doctor soon, I knew there was nothing to worry about. Two days of discomfort was something I definitely couldn’t afford to deal with. So, I began taking the medication with a full glass of water, and kept drinking water throughout the day (per the directions on the box), and really began sensing relief after just 30 minutes, which was like a breath of fresh (and painfree) air. I took the medication for the allotted two days, and felt a great deal of relief. Though it didn’t get rid of the symptoms entirely, it worked almost better than the
prescription strength stuff my doctor had previously prescribed me to treat UTI symptoms.
If you ever find yourself in the same boat, I definitely suggest saving yourself the headache and buying this medication and trying it out for two days. Be sure to research holistic approaches and dietary recommendations to treat and prevent UTI’s while taking this… after all, this only treats the symptoms, not the infection. And if the symptoms recur after you stop taking this after your two day time period, then definitely go to a doctor as soon as possible, as UTI’s can lead to more complications and more serious problems. But, as a temporary solution, this is highly recommended.